• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yes, unfortunately i think you’ve missed a few things.

    1. Anyone can be sued for anything, whether the suit is successful depends on validity and damages
    2. It would be difficult to prove damages in this case, but you don’t need to sue anyone anyway
    3. Only businesses and organisations serving the public are required to follow the ADA
    4. The government, if it received enough
      valid complaints and received a negative reply from a place which needs to follow the ADA might consider bringing legal action or enforcing penalties
    5. Common practise does not exclude the possibility that something discriminates against people, which is why these rules were written

    I think that about covers it

  • The bin chickens are my kin, I’m in the small minority here who appreciate them.

    And yeah, the flying foxes are a surprise for most foreigners. They’re also pretty big and often fly low at dusk, so they can be slightly startling too, even though they’re just adorable fuzzy harmless nectar drinkers. It’s a pity they screech too, it might be easier to reassure non-locals that they’re not dangerous.

    People are also often surprised to see all the other Sydney city wildlife and how much of it there is, especially rainbow lorrikeets. Everyone loves the lorrikeets, but people from the northern hemisphere are especially awestruck when they see them. It’s understandably almost a little surreal to have such brightly colored parrots hanging out in the middle of a city, if you’re someone who comes from a city that is just pigeons and sparrows.