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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I think EveryDoor requires some relatively deep understanding of OSM before actually being a useful tool. So edits like this should be rare with that tool. Many of the edits like this are from when MapsMe was very popular and suddenly introduced editing, without enough nuance in the process. Bad edits do happen everywhere, you need a good balance between people who data curation and newbies making beginner mistakes. In some places, there’s a lack of experienced people maintaining the data.

  • As someone who lives under representative representation, I totally agree that FPTP should go. But being against that system doesn’t have to ve a leftist strategy. I think everyone who does not feel represent by the two big parties can get behind a change there. Pushing that idea across the spectrum could be helpful. It might even be an idea to start an alliance party with as only program point an overdue constitutional reform. You wouldn’t need other policies: simply reform & hold new elections as soon as possible afterwards

  • I totally understand that (and Im sorry for your loss). But that objectively helps the guy who would not care at all (as opposed to at least trying to put a little bit of pressure) and actually encourage them to go for an even more radical “final solution”. Voting is always picking the least evil. The US system simply does not allow you a serious choice - it would be better to direct your anger against that system, instead of against the least evil of the real options.