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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • but the US knew Saddam had chemical weapons

    Yes, I know… the US knew about every gallon of mustard gas and sarin Saddam had - not only did the US provide intelligence to Saddam to specifically help his use of the stuff during the Iran-Iraq War be more effective, they could also literally read almost every damn ciphered communique of the Iraqi army at the highest levels thanks to the fact that Iraq used compromised ciphering machines bought from the CIA front company Crypto AG in Switzerland.

    They knew perfectly well Saddam had destroyed all his stockpiles - if he hadn’t, Bush would have never dared to invade Iraq.

  • They’re relatively cheap and provide a lot of nutritional value for the weight - I buy them in big bags straight from the farmer’s market. Tree nuts (peanuts aren’t actually nuts at all - they’re legumes) are literally a luxury only the rich can afford in my country these days - kind of ironic since we’re the world’s top producer of macademia nuts.

    Roasting them is actually important since that degrades aflatoxins - they also just taste better.

  • Really? Tell that to all the “liberal” regimes that enabled fascists when said liberals couldn’t keep working-class revolt in check… Weimar Germany literally did that to crush the “Spartacist” revolt after WW1.

    There’s a saying amongst leftists - you can’t have a harvest of fascism without liberals loosening the ground for it first. Fascism is not some “aberration” of the classical liberal nation state and it never was.

  • Why am I actually responding to a comment that is saying muslims don’t want to exterminate Jews.

    Let me guess… you’re a product of the US education system?

    You don’t have the foggiest idea of the history you are feigning expertise in here, do you?

    Sure the liberal ones don’t, but wtf?

    What “liberals,” Clyde? The only Palestinian “liberals” you will find are the corrupt lapdog racketeers “managing” the West Bank at the behest of Israel. If Hamas takes them out, very few Palestinians will lose any sleep over it… and rightly so.

  • This attack will energize the populations of a lot of middle-eastern regimes that have been playing footsie with Israel over the last few decades - so yeah… both in the long and short term things are looking shaky for Israel. Would it lead to WW3? Unlikely… even if Israel’s geopolitical reach and importance is curbed by this, the US already has another thug regime in the area that can do it’s dirty work for it - Saudi Arabia.

  • Israel doesn’t trust Hamas.

    Then maybe Israel shouldn’t have funded them.

    The blockade, which, mind you, is also enforced by Egypt

    The US-backed dictatorship in Egypt is doing the US’s bidding? You don’t say…

    Any civilian casualties are to be condemned.

    Israel hasn’t made much distinction between combatants and non-combatants since 1949 - can’t blame Hamas for playing by Israel’s rules.

    Yet, you must remember that Hamas likes to base itself under hospitals, schools, mosques.

    Right, because there are vast tracts of unused real estate in one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, eh?

    If that is not surgical, I don’t know what is.

    There is no such thng as a “surgical” artillery shell, Clyde. And as for the claim itself… the IDF is no more trustworthy than the Apartheid security forces were.

    Fuck Israel.