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Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • niktemadur@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldIt's exhausting...
    1 hour ago

    “It’s soooo exhausting to vote one day every two years, so might as well allow as many republicans as possible to become firmly entrenched in every level of government, able to sabotage any attempt to push the inertia in any other direction.”

    Here’s a novel idea: you are not just electing one charismatic godking messiah with a magic political wand to the executive office every four years, but an entire system of appointees and employees.

    Then there’s Congress, and the Supreme Court, and state governors and state congresses, city mayors and city council, school board, etc.

    One side strives for reason and science, the other is scorched earth anti-science anti-reason ignorant hysteria. And you keep giving them enough power to thwart everything.

    Tune out and stop watching the infotainment bullshit designed to keep us outraged and polarized every minute of the goddamned day, just show up at the polls each first Tuesday in November and vote Democrat. Once every two years is enough.

    At this point, you have enough information to do this with great confidence that it is the correct and sane choice.
    Let’s get our collective heads out of the Middle Ages peasant mindset.

  • Thankfully I’m avoiding most noisy university-sophomore politics in my content, whenever it pops up I quickly prune it out of my content feed.

    Currently, the four main subjects on my watch history are particle physics, cosmology, Gobekli Tepe (and everything related to those ancient Taş Tepeler people), Sumerian cuneiform writing (courtesy of the extraordinary Professor Irving Finkle).

    But to keep things on topic, I regularly have to block suggested channels and videos that start straying towards clickbait controversy, “Is Science Dying?” and “The Image NASA Doesn’t Want You To See!”, that sort of bullshit.

    The goddamned algorithm, and those that feed it, it’s mindlessly relentless constant mechanism, and I hate it, but there is so much treasure among the brushes and poison ivy one has to keep on hacking at, with the proverbial digital machete. There is so much legit gold in there.

  • And many of the most stubbornly ignorant potential voters in swing states declare smugly, from their ivory tower of lazy truthiness - which they refer to as “purity” and “enlightenment” - that bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe.

    Insisting against all reason and evidence that their absence from the 2016 election sent a clear message, made them the opposite of insignificant… when what they actually did was drop a goddamned pellet of cyanide into their own drinking water, along with everyone else’s.

    Demanding a charismatic messiah god-king, willfully ignoring that what they are electing (or not electing) is a system of governance with thousands of employees at all levels. Like a pathological, medieval peasant mindset that they seem unwilling or unable to transcend.
    “Massage me with a single voice, who cares about the rest.”

    Shitting like monkeys on the importance of the Supreme Court, unable to grasp the far-reaching importance of it.
    Unable to grasp how massive coordinated republican stonewalling and sabotage can be to scuttle the best intentions of whatever charismatic messiah god-king might happen to try and arise.

    They keep giving the keys to the kingdom to republicans, keep them powerful, then get pissed at Democrats when they can’t clean up the mess fast enough, with one hand tied behind their back.

    You can’t change a system overnight, you nudge the inertia one election at a time, but judging from the mediocre seesaw of the flaky, lazy and petulant electorate, it seems no momentum can ever be built.

  • Don’t forget how:

    "I’m NOT voting for an entire apparatus of executive government with thousands of employees, I’m ONLY voting for a charismatic messiah godking, because I’m still little more than a medieval peasant looking to be mesmerized.

    Then if fascists take over the nation (again) and the most vulnerable among me suffer from it (again and again and again), that’s not MY problem. While (somehow) fancying myself as enlightened and special and pure. I’m at the center of my goddamned Universe!"

    The Supreme Court, and how republicans effectively staged a coup of it in 2016 by turning their back on Merrick Garland, then packed it with corrupt right-wing zealots? “Not MY problem!”… until it is, but by then it’s way too late.