My thread! Finally!
My thread! Finally!
And it’s incidentally the closest ASCII character to a swastika
Did you read the article?
Dorian Gray’s dilemma.
Hey MD: The fact that appointments we pay a bunch of money for are only 15 minutes is pretty fucked up in a lot of cases.
It is messed up, I agree. You can’t address much in 15 min. What you don’t necessarily see is the BS administrative burden that also comes with visits that may or may not be factored in to the face-to-face encounter duration.
Oh, and the fact that you all can cancel on us at the last minute with no problem, but if we cancel we get charged is absolute bullshit.
Not every practice does charge for cancellation. But if someone reviews your chart before the visit and you cancel the same day or night before, you might actually end up wasting provider time. Just an FYI.
It depends. Congress critters getting priority access to NIH/Walter Reed level care is one of those perks of being a politician. Of course, they can pay a lot for boutique medicine but I’d say, boutique medicine usually doesn’t provide the best care. And if they’d got to non-fed academic institutions, they’d get an earful about this fuckery.
So believe it or not, it would impact people in congress quite directly.
It was both trendy in terms of sound and packaging/styling, but the whole album was mixed with such mastery that it was one of the best sounding package I’ve heard until perhaps the mid 2010s. That on its own is incredible, especially in a technologically driven genre.
The US population is unhealthy and there is a strong relationship between covid mortality and obesity. So some of the susceptibility cannot be blamed on a single sitting president. That said, his lying in February and March cost a lot of lives up front and that’s where he could have made the strongest impact by showing leadership and preparedness (like getting masks so HCW wouldn’t have to wear the same N95 for a month). He used an Obama-era system to boost the development of the vaccine (moderna at least). And then he bitched about lockdowns, which should have been managed dynamically based on the local healthcare system resources/capacity. But the most telling thing was, the moment he LOST the election, he abandoned the vaccine deployment efforts, so Americans lost 2 months in the rollout.
If anything happened to Fauci, they’d see a massive exodus from HHS and it would start a movement those gerontocrats needing doctors would not appreciate.
What’s infuriating, and when I realized how homicidally bad trump is was February 2020, when there was all those rapidly published data trump had access to weeks prior to publication, and he kept on calling it the “flu”. Yet wingnuts had to go over tens of thousands of Fauci emails to attack him. Yet nobody’s criticized trump’s publicly recorded lying that caused tens of thousands of preventable deaths.
he is a digital frotteur ( at the same time this is where everyone should draw the line.
yup. a good PCP is hard to find, and even harder to keep in America.
Not universal, but absolutely common, unfortunately. The standard is 30 minutes for returns and 60 for news, but in private practice they tend to cut it much shorter.
I know this is a popular notion, but have you guys thought about:
Many people have no transportation, and it’s even harder to make it on time if one’s sick, so it’s just the right thing to try to squeeze in those who are late, but y’all can’t have it both ways.
source: am MD. And yeah I rather run late but see everybody and address everything I can, than finish on time and help nobody/few.
Competition from thinking machines is concerning, but happy for my Fremen.