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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 20th, 2024


  • nach gerade einmal 90 Minuten auf, weil für einen der Redner in Deutschland ein Betätigungsverbot gilt. Der palästinensische Autor Salman Abu Sitta, dem Nähe zur Hamas unterstellt wird, war in der Vergangenheit immer wieder mit Hasstiraden gegen Israel und Juden aufgefallen.

    Ein weiterer Grund sei purer Sadismus der Beamtinnen und Beamten, ergänzte eine Zuhörerin. „Die haben schon Bock darauf, Linke zu verhauen.“

    So seien im Protestzug mit Sicherheit unzählige „Zivilbullen“ unterwegs, die mitunter selbst zu Ausschreitungen aufstacheln würden, war ein Zuhörer überzeugt.

    Und auch unter den Festgenommenen würden sich Personen befinden, „die eigentlich für die Polizei arbeiten und euch aushorchen“, warnte eine Teilnehmerin.

    Das Schweigegebot gelte auch gegenüber Ärztinnen und Ärzten im Krankenhaus. „Die arbeiten oft mit der Polizei zusammen“, so die These der Moderatorin, die ebenfalls keines Belegs bedurfte, um Zustimmung zu finden.

    Ganz dezent von Verfolgungswahn und Realitätsfremde geprägt… Kann man nicht mehr ernst nehmen.

  • There are good reasons to go to Germany, like relatively high salaries (it always depends on where you’re comparing. At least in the fields I’m about to work in you earn significantly more in Germany than in Austria), high security, good schools and universities, … (similar to Austria in that regard, maybe slightly worse).

    The only reason against Europe in general is that you pay a lot for mandatory purchases (a home (doesn’t matter if rented or bought), groceries, …). Personally I still prefer that over cheaper costs of living but less security, worse child- and healthcare etc. but something has to change, because it’s only getting more extreme.

    If the development of 50 years ago to today will continue for the next 50 years something like a civil war is inevitable.

  • It’s not like antisemitism prevented people from supporting the NSDAP (in many cases the opposite). Sure, when they were elected they didn’t know what to do with Jews yet, but antisemitism was one of the pillars of their philosophy (if the people are unhappy you have to take responsibility or simply point at someone and say “they are responsible, it’s their fault”) and antisemitism has existed since forever. (Of course there were not only Jews in concentration camps but they were initially made for them).

    And sadly antisemitism still exists today in many areas of the world.

  • pumpkinseedoil@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlgo get your eyes checked
    3 months ago

    I was born with bad eyes. People back then also were born with bad eyes but couldn’t do anything about it.

    Obviously you can also get bad eyes (shortsighted) when always only focusing on short distances but it’s not the only way. Most people also become far sighted when they get older (the pressure inside your eye lowers and therefore your eye becomes shorter)

  • Theoretically if this ideal state keeps going for long enough it’d reach a point where the economy becomes so strong that working hours can be reduced to miniscule amounts, with enough money left over to pay for people who can’t work (due to mentally or physically not being capable of anything that a machine can’t already do).

    This can obviously not happen when increased productivity is only used to increase profits.

    Why even increase profits when the company already was doing fine before? Oh right, because all other companies do that too and you have to stay competitive. And they have to stay competitive with companies from other countries too, so as long as there’s not peace between all countries there also can’t be economical peace, ending the hunt for higher profits and leading humanity to a bright future.

    We all know that this will never happen.