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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 11th, 2023


  • That shit kills me. I was reading something on hexbear about some recent anti-gay stuff in Russia. It was all about critical support, and not just Russia. They also talked about critical support for Nigeria, despite them having the death penalty for gay people, because they’re “anti-imperialist.”

    Why doesn’t it go the other way? Why can’t you give “critical support” to countries making strides in human rights while criticizing their economic policy?

    To me, their priorities seem pretty fucked up. Between exploitative economic policy and killing or imprisoning people for existing as themselves, I know which one I’m going to be “critical” of and which one will cause me to refuse support for a country in any way.

  • Are you illiterate? I started this saying not only am I left of Biden, I’m left of Bernie. I’m not taking about leftists. I’m taking about “leftists” who do nothing but whine then show up once every four years to loudly complain things didn’t go their way when they didn’t lift a Cheeto stained finger (outside of online echo chambers) to make things go their way.

    This weekend I’ll be canvassing with three other people for a progressive candidate for local office. Her establishment opponent has over two dozen canvassers. When the voting guides are printed maybe we’ll be lucky enough to have ours listed as neutral with an endorsement for the establishment.

    If you lazy fucks showed up maybe we could get parity on name recognition, and if you had been at meetings all year maybe both could be endorsed on the guide. A quarter of the Bernie Bros that showed up yelling in 2016 coming back regularly would drastically change the entire county.

    When those fair weather friends showed up in 2016, I wasn’t saying “eat shit leftists,” I was saying “where the fuck have you been.”

    Now that I think about it, you shouldn’t show up. If you’re so weak and thin-skinned that a Cheeto crack gets you all butt-hurt, you wouldn’t last five doors canvassing.

  • Not my people, quite the opposite, although I respect them.

    They’re just the people who are actually putting in the work. Unlike your people who’s idea of effort is wiping the Cheeto dust off their fingers before they post.

    But don’t worry, just keep screaming impotently into the void. I’m sure progressive candidates with strong organizations will start magically appearing any day now if you just keep posting hard enough on Lemmy. No need to get off your couch.

  • Not just that, but all four years too. All these fucking Bernie Bros just showed up at the eleventh hour and expected to get their way.

    I was one of the few people in my local party office that was for Bernie. I consider myself to the left of him. When they started to show up I thought “great, finally some more people on my side.” Then they started flooding the meetings, yelling and screaming, at people that have been putting in hard work for years. They expected everyone to do what they want just because they showed up to a few meetings just before the primary.

    Not a-fucking-one of them phone banked, canvassed, or anything else. Just red faced yelling at people that had donated their time for years. People I disagreed with, but knew and respected for years. They might have been on my side but I sure as hell wasn’t on theirs. It almost turned me off of Bernie even though I know it wasn’t his fault. I went from being firmly for him to considering Hillary because fuck those guys (not really, but I was pissed).

    If you want the party to change, show up every meeting, not a few weeks every four years. I’ll be there waiting, I could really use your help pulling this place to the left and getting more progressive candidates the support I think they deserve.

  • The footprints of chargers and gas stations aren’t the same though. A lot of places I go have a row of 8-10 spots with chargers. No added footprint really, just installed at the front of the spot. Compare that to an 8-10 pump gas station, even without a convenience store. If you removed a gas station and replaced it with rows of spaces with chargers I think you’d get more cars through over a given period of time.

  • All the bullshit with tipping on food delivery apps made me stop using them years ago.

    First I hear the apps are stealing tips. Then they’re not stealing tips anymore. Then maybe they’re stealing some of the tips.

    To try and avoid all that I tried to use cash. The drivers don’t get their base rate reduced and they get the entire, non-reportable cash tip. Then my food started taking twice as long and arriving cold because the drivers thought I was stiffing them.

    My theory is the apps do this (pre-tipping) on purpose to discourage cash and after-tipping so they can lower what they pay the driver and they’ll still accept the order because they see the higher after tip amount. So now the apps might not be technically stealing tips, but they’re using up front tips to allow them to reduce their shitty base rate for everyone.

    Now if want delivery it’s pizza, Chinese, or one of the few other places with their own drivers. I’ve had this policy for years now and I don’t see myself ever going back unless it’s an emergency.

    Bonus to me: all my takeout/delivery is now 20-30% cheaper. Everyone should really take a look at the inflated prices they’re paying and decide if it’s really worth saving a short drive.