• 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • Ah HP printer drivers, my favorite form of self-inflicted malware.

    My favorite HP sucks story happened many a year ago. The boss’s shitty HP multi-function POS died, and we got him a nice Brother instead, and then went to uninstall the drivers.

    Somehow, and the reason for this is totally unknown to anyone other than HP engineers, the driver ‘uninstaller’ decided that today’s hilarity would be that it was going to uninstall… everything.

    After about 15 minutes of the drive churning away I got concerned, rebooted it, and found that nearly 75% of everything on it had been deleted by the uninstaller.

    No fucking idea, but that was a fun thing to explain and then fix.

  • I hate to go ‘Boy, I don’t buy it’ but, uh, I kinda don’t?

    This is one of those things that COULD happen, as long as every teacher, every administrator and the state itself were all intentionally trying to make it happen.

    CT has standardized tests that are required to be taken to progress through school, so how can someone who can’t read or write pass those?

    And EVERY teacher she had from first grade on just accepted the fact she clearly was unable to read or write, and thus was almost certainly not doing any work, and just decided that’s a-ok and we’ll just pass her along anyways without doing anything?

    Somehow feels like there’s a lot more to this story than just her side as presented by that article.

  • Uber-like surge pricing on electricity

    We don’t really: that story you heard from a few years ago was the only company that billed like that. The customers made a bet that the pricing averages through the day (lower at night, higher cost during the day) would average out in their favor over fixed-cost billing, and frankly, it did right up until it didn’t.

    They took a risk and got bit by, frankly, not understanding how the system works and basically ate the spikes.

    Everyone else paid $0.09/kwh or so during that whole period, and the electric providers ate the cost because when you’re averaging out spikes across millions of kwh, it won’t lead to bankruptcy.

  • nothing of value will be lost

    I’d argue the opposite: there’s actually a lot of stuff out there that’s actually interesting: old-school lets-players who’d have done actual informative playthroughs of games. It’s kind of a dying art, but it’s also exactly the kind of content that’s going to get purged by this kind of action.

    It’s interesting to spend, say, 10 hours watching some guy play Sierra games and actually talk through shit about the game and whatnot, and it’d be a shame to have that vanish.

    But not entirely unexpected since that’s not profitable content in the way that the current morons babbling about bullshit reaction videos, totally-not-camgirls totally not showing their tits, and whatever other brainrot nonsense most of twitch is. (Also alt-right propaganda, but eh.)

  • I’ve had a very, very American week.

    It’s been shockingly cold (15-ish, but in Texas so that’s a life-threatening emergency), but all the money I’ve put into repairs and replacements of house stuff has kept me from completely freezing, just a little frostbitten.

    …At least, until tomorrow, when everything should thaw and I find out how many plumbing repairs are going to be required due to burst pipes/broken faucets/etc.

    And my LGS got all of my new guns in as a single shipment which they didn’t expect, so that happened a few weeks earlier than expected. Now to spend an infinite amount of money on ammo, accessories, and sundries.

    I’ve also got all the chicken coop and planter beds lumber and assorted other hardware sitting in the back yard waiting for a time wherein I won’t freeze to death to build them. Should be big enough for 4 hens, which means I fully expect to be a millionaire by July.

    I need to get some potato and carrot and onion seeds (yes I know, potato seeds aren’t really seeds) for the raised beds. I’ve decided I’m going to scale way back and just do some basic root vegetables instead of my more ambition leafy vegetables and fruits and herbs plan, because I just plain don’t think I have room to grow enough of that to matter.

    And I have my MSF course scheduled in two weeks, so assuming I don’t completely flop, I’ll be legally allowed to smear my entrails across the highway via an oopsie on a motorcycle.

  • No joke.

    I’ve gotten to the point where I just don’t really play anything anymore because of it.

    You go ‘boy I’d like to see what new games are coming soon’ and you immediately land in a cesspool of people throwing a fit that there’s a black guy, or a trans girl, or a white chick that doesn’t make their little peepee hard, as well as any other awful sexist, racist, ableist swill you can possibly imagine all over every inch of anything that remotely looks like gaming media or discussion forums.

    I just kind of have quit looking, and just playing old games for the 2nd or 3rd time, despite the fact I would happily have bought anything that seems remotely fun a couple of years ago because I don’t want to subject myself to those morons, end up playing games with them, or like, having anyone confuse me as being one of them as you said.