It may be a simplistic take, but if a person is hoarding wealth doesn’t that take the money out of the economy?
It may be a simplistic take, but if a person is hoarding wealth doesn’t that take the money out of the economy?
The real question is will we still have legalized recreational cannabis in Colorado when tmurp loses and we become a province?
I run everything on steam with proton that I did on my windows PC, nothing was left behind. If you ‘add a game’ from outside steam, you can run the installer and then change the game location to the executable. Ubuntu or Ubuntu mate are what I install on everything. Recommend.
It was on one of the pieces of paper he agreed to sign when he accepted the money and ‘technical assistance’, so he’s 100% on board.
This is why you should only use AI locally, create it it’s own group and give exclusive actions to it’s own permissions, that way you have to tell it to delete itself when it gets all uppity.
we are legion squad.
…“and any hostile entity found to be wearing an ‘Edgar suit’'”
technically it’s not a war it’s a ‘спецопера́ция’
From article:
Departments of Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Interior and Treasury
I’m kinda leaning toward the idea that he’s just trying to make Canada less accepting of refugees as shit over here gets worse and worse.
‘comes out swinging’ is any reaction that’s not giving up and paying 20 billion to the class bully?
Fuck it, I’m convinced. Redo the whole election, there’s no other possible way to possibly move forward