I would never put something in my brain that doesn’t at least have a public API documentation. If the company discontinued the product I want to be able to keep using it. Open Source software would be best.
I would never put something in my brain that doesn’t at least have a public API documentation. If the company discontinued the product I want to be able to keep using it. Open Source software would be best.
The Australian model is also interesting. After your degree you pay a certain percentage of your income to your university for a decade or so. But only if you earn more than the average person.
This means a university gets more money when their students gets good job.
Love is a chemical process, you can’t really choose who you fall in love with. There are all kind of relationships, not all are based on respect.
You don’t have to pretend anything, I know quite a few couples where one partner is an atheist and the other one is a believer.
I speak Esperanto and I am quite active in the movement and write for the Esperanto Wikipedia. In 2011 I had quite a cool trip to an Esperanto Youth Congress in Kijiv. But it’s hard to talk about it because most people see it as a failed project from the early 1900s, not as a modern subculture.
Die Nazis haben die Konten vom alten Rentensystem leergeräumt. Nach dem Krieg gab es keine echte Alternative zu einem Umlagesystem, weil einfach kein Geld mehr in den Kassen war. Und es hat ja auch ziemlich lange ganz gut funktioniert. Nur Spätestens mit dem Pille-Knick in den 70ern hätte man anfangen müssen das System langsam umzubauen, es ist ja wirklich nicht so, als würden unsere heutigen Probleme überraschend kommen.
Die Xperia compact Reihe ist nicht schlecht und unterstützt teilweise sogar Sailfish OS.
Citroen bringt endlich ein bezahlbares Elektroauto und natürlich ist es ein SUV.
Ich will einfach nur einen elektrischen Minivan.