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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Germany’s government is a three-party coalition where all three parties have lost in recent regional elections, so they try to show their profile ahead of the national election next year. Especially the party which now causes the most trouble (by appeasing an opposition party in a bid for a future coalition) got close to 0% of the vote in those regional elections. The chancellor himself has an unresolved history of being involved in a large tax evasion scheme (“cum-ex”) back when he was head of a regional government. Otherwise, he tries to do nothing wrong by not doing anything at all (ok, he does the day-to-day business, but no inspiring long-term goals or other leadership things). In contrast, the vice chancellor (from the Green party) does a noticeable better job at explaining and motivating the government’s decisions. Unfortunately, even this party has people in leading positions where they should not be …

  • If you do not trust Tailscale as a company, here is an open source re-implementation of the server called headscale. Some/all clients are open source as well. So, you can review all components yourself or pay for a professional third-party review. Otherwise, if you take a binary blob from any origin, including Tailscale, and have it run with privileges on your server, there are few limits on what this blob can do. Yes, backdoors are technically possible, but probably bad for Tailscale’s business if that ever came to light.

  • Der Vorfall bestätigt wieder die Vorurteile, die man über die FDP hat:

    Aus der Kommission heißt es, […] es sei vielmehr ein erwartbares Manöver der FDP, sich vor den Landtagswahlen in Sachsen, Brandenburg und Thüringen als Vertreter der Dieselfahrer zu positionieren und Vorurteile gegen die EU zu befördern.

    Und am Ende des Artikels:

    Betroffen sind dann nicht Millionen Autofahrer, sondern die Autokonzerne, die womöglich viele Millionen Euro zahlen müssten. Doch das würde diejenigen treffen, die die Verursacher des Dieselskandals sind, nämlich die Hersteller.

    Also kurz vor Wahlen spielt man sich zum Retter der Dieselfahrer auf (die gar nicht bedroht sind), mit der eigentlichen Absicht, die reichen Autokonzerne zu schützen, die bei Abgastests in der Vergangenheit belogen und betrogen haben. Nebenher zerstört man als Kollateralschaden das Vertrauen in die EU, was ja letztendlich Wasser auf die Mühlen rechter Parteien ist. Wer wählt denn eigenlich noch FDP?

  • There is some information missing in the problem description. For example, if you close the lid, does the computer suspend/sleep/hibernate? It may be that when the computer sleeps something “breaks” or it may be that the act of physically closing/opening the lid has an effect (e.g. because the WiFi antenna is embedded in the display frame).

    Some time ago I had a similar problem with Tailscale and sleeping. When Tailscale initializes itself (at boot), it has to interact with another service to communicate which DNS servers have become available (e.g. Several implementations of such services exist (resolvconf, openresolv), in my case systemd-resolved. During normal operation, resolvectl status (if using systemd-resolved) shows which DNS servers and which search domains are configured for each network interface such as tailscale0. Now, there is a bug (or feature) that systemd-resolved “forgets” the DNS configuration it got from Tailscale when the computer is put to sleep. So, when the computer wakes up, name resolution via Tailscale no longer works, giving you the impression that Tailscale itself is not working, although Tailscale’s low-level functions are still operational. My “solution” was to write a small script that gets executed when the computer wakes up which sets again DNS server and search domain for network device tailscale0.