And I for a split second thought to myself we were in nsfw territory here lol
And I for a split second thought to myself we were in nsfw territory here lol
Happns also offline
I think you meant Happiness is found offline
Especially if he follows through. That’s everything but passive 😬
Just carry your own landline with you at that point then
Okay, another option; unplug the power chord
Even prison … who would’ve thought
What level are you at, if I may ask?
Meaning is principically found in relativity to something else. In a database, items only have a meaning because they’ve got a connection and relation. Your shoes have meaning because their purpose is to be worn, so your feet are protected. Relational beings’ purpose, our purpose, is to live in relationship - with which I’m trying to say, our meaning can only be found in relationship.
Wether those relationship are pleasant, gratifying and uplifting or discouraging, debilitating and grueling depends on the habits, choices and abilities of how we interact with each other
So, by just existing there’s inherent meaning (and value, purpose) included in us already
Can’t ask the dead … the unborn this
What’s … what’s the alternative?
Eben. Find’s schade wenn das Wort Trigger missbraucht wird einfach nur weil es cool klingt - und die Leute für die es wirklich um Leben und Tod, und ihre mentale Existenz geht nicht mehr ernst genommen werden wenn sie mitteilen “Das triggert mich” weil es ja nicht so schlimm ist …
Ist nicht böse gemeint. Möchte nur drauf aufmerksam machen :)
It exists
It’s called fantasy
Black Mirror
Ok das wusste ich nicht. Tut mir leid
Das ist kein Trigger brudi. Das ist einfach nur unangenehm. Trigger ist was anderes. Oder hast du ein PastaTrauma?
Where the F are serious mental health conditions? When your appearance seems intact from the outside, but inside your reality slowly yet steadily derodes, and there’s no way to help it. Going insane. That’s for me the last one. Prefer physical pain over losing touch with reality.