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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • We were not prepared, as a species, for a device that let us come up with any opinion at all and find validation for it.

    It used to be that when you had an opinion that was wrong, you’d say it out loud a number of times, and you’d notice that everyone around you would call you an imbecile and ridicule you. It would make you reassess yourself and grow as a person.

    Now that societal failsafe is gone. Now people just aren’t challenged for holding the wrong opinion.

    That was an integral part of growing up and maturing. We don’t have a solution for it.

  • When you’re young, social interaction is just so engrained in your daily life.

    School, hang outs, nightlife. The opportunity to be social is never ending.

    But you don’t fully understand at the time that those opportunities get erased quickly, and all that’s left are the people you fully invested in when you were young.

  • Ok going through this now.

    I never thought it’d be like this though. I thought that video game would literally stop being fun. Like I’d grow out of them or something and not find them enjoyable anymore.

    But that’s not it. They are still fun and enjoyable. What I didn’t expect was that my mind would be so full of responsibilities that it would just be impossible to enjoy video games. As if there just isn’t enough room in my brain.

    I’m sitting there trying to play but I’m just thinking about all the things I need to do tomorrow. Or this week. Or this month.

    There is just too much to think about that I can no longer enjoy not thinking.