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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • I assume you got that quote from your dentist right?

    Also I’m more referring to the headline you made for this post. I seems to imply that “genocide is bad” is now a widely controversial position. But again, who the fuck knows what you’re saying. From where I’m sitting it isn’t controversial at all, and I’d need to dig into the foulest depths of the internet to find a tiny handful of people with that position.

  • I haven’t seen any news articles about it, I don’t really care what they say. What I have seen, constantly, is people on this platform understating the fuck out it by saying “he was just stuttering and is old” which is really annoying.

    Also I think he was sick, I’d be feeling sick too if my handlers had drugged me like a maul and made me stand under studio lights for an hour.

    Your last point is unironically true though. He had information, it was mostly correct, and when it was incorrect it was mostly just the numbers that were wrong by a small amount.

  • wick@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPlease vote
    3 days ago

    I don’t think this would convince anyone, but Trump has shown that lying about every fucking thing can convince some people. Maybe a less dumb version of this meme could move the needle for someone who is on the fence and hasn’t watched the debate. (There are dozens of them out there)

    No idea why this was posted here though, or how so many people approve of it. It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. I guess there’s a lot more people on the platform who have legitimate Trump derangement syndrome and find this acceptable than I would’ve thought.

  • wick@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    4 days ago

    Biden looked like they injected meth into his balls right before he went on stage. Kinda hard to ignore him staring through bits of furniture and smiling at leprechauns.

    I’m shocked he performed at all with how high he was. I’d wonder as well if he needed assistance during that whole thing.

  • wick@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSpeaking the truth
    21 days ago

    I disagree. If another Obama ran today who was a felon they could probably win the democratic vote. If Obama himself was convicted of a felony before his 2nd term he’d probably still win against Romney.

    Anyway, regardless of whether white people would ever “let” a black felon be president (what a garbage fucking tweet), one could still get a lot of votes.

  • When I was an edgy emo teenager and all my edgy emo teenage friends and I were getting tongue piercings my older brother looked at me and said “is that for your boyfriend?”

    That wasn’t the reason that I ended up getting rid of that piercing (tongue piercings are annoying as fuck) but it definitely didn’t help my desire to keep it.

  • Wow that’s unbelievable. As in I literally don’t believe it. So I tested it by posting various sentences containing these words and other known slurs to compare, and found it didn’t work.

    Maybe this is some American thing I’m not Free enough to experience in my corner of the world, or it doesn’t do this on android or the browser site. (The tech crunch screenshot looks like something else, probably iOS)

    It hard to say because no one is even a little bit curious enough to test it. Idk how this thread contains anything else but people testing it, because it’s so damn unbelievable. Why is no one testing this themselves? Why are you not testing it yourself?