If a firefox add-on is okay: Brief
If a firefox add-on is okay: Brief
I haven’t thought of that idea. Actually, I might give it a try this weekend.
Good idea. It looks interesting but I don’t own any of the required equipment (like a vacuum sealer).
My family wouldn’t agree with the smell. Already growning and drying got me enough heat.
Dicky McDickface
Frag mal deine Großeltern. In deren Jugend hat ein Döner nur 2 Reichsmark gekostet.
We all are high down here. Yes, we are!
Is this “Don’t be evil!”?
Would it not just be the easiest way to put your scripts under /etc/network/if-up.d/? Then they get run once that connection is brought up.
If you are French, the same command works to remove your freedom pack.