Make musk a millionaire again :)
Does anyone know if the insurance for these cars have gone up yet? With them being more dangerous than a ford pinto and all the vandalism you would think the insurance companies would raise the rates.
I remember a few weeks ago Dutch pension funds sold all their Tesla stock because they felt it wasn’t a safe investment anymore. The decision was laughed at on reddit because Tesla still went up a little bit after that, clearly it was a political choice and the uncertainty was just an excuse, surely the Dutch people would be annoyed that politics cost them big gains on their pensions, etc etc.
I feel vindicated. Let’s see how low it can go!
Diamond hands are for bag holders Know your exit and get the fuck out when the time is right.
Shush! No! Let the elon bros crash too!
Down over 50% since the all-time-high in December 2024, post-Trump election.
So that’s definitely a win!
Still needs to drop ANOTHER 90% to get back down to pre-2020 levels though…🤞🏻
Hope this guy ends up piss-poor and very sad.
Down with Tesla!!
Fucking fire Elon so Tesla can actually make good shit. Honestly man, Elon could’ve just stfu and collected money.
I have an alternative proposition:
As a society, we should all agree that car culture is not good. It is not good for the health of cities, not good for the envinronment, not good for anything really. Let’s get as far away from cars as possible and start improving public transport and other ways of moving. One thing I would love to see is more shade in cities, from trees. Way way way more trees.
I assume you’re talking about cities where it’s baking sun and so too hot to walk. One problem. Trees don’t like that either and so need artificial irrigation. Plus trees tend to do lots of damage to drains and sewers as their roots seek water. Generally trees and cities aren’t a great mix except in certain areas (green spaces which are maintained).
Are you speaking as an American or a European? Because I generally think American cities are hostile to anything except cars (being built after cars) and European cities are hostile to cars (being built before cars).
I’ve seen videos of people regreening deserts and it was kinda cool. They like carve out a U shape and plant things that work for the type of environment and it keeps water longer.
I know that wasn’t your point and it’s a complete non-sequitur but I enjoyed the vid.
I think it was videos like this:
I visited a few larger european cities and I got to admit that I don’t feel the same.
All but a few I saw were changed to accommodate car traffic to a high or extreme level and only after recent decades there is some incentive to shrink the area that is dedicated to motorized traffic and parking zones.
Being from germany my perception of how hostile cities can be towards pedestrians might be skewed compared to american experiences.
The dutch way off a professionally thought out and highly efficent pathway for cyclists and extended pedestrian zones comes to mind as well as a plan to redesign Paris as a pedestrian tourist powerhouse as it struggles with perceived pollution, noise and heat thus diminishing its touristic visits.
Like you said, Paris was build before cars were widespread and could return to a modern resemblance of it’s old self. I feel there is immense touristic potential in catering this idea creating pilot projects for hundreds of metropolitan areas where old infrastructure is maintained in presentable fashion.
So I feel that there are good reasons to reevaluate how we want to change our older densely build areas to find a good balance, ensuring that local population has ways of living their everyday live in timesaving and fulfilling manner but also creating spaces that are worthwhile, relaxing to stay in.
It’s up over $60 from where it was at this time last year, so there’s still work to do on this clearly overinflated stock
Tesla has been over inflated for years now. At one point (for quite a long time) it was worth more than every other major auto maker combined despite having pitiful profits relative to Toyota or many of the other players.
220 right now
We aren’t stopping here😈
Next up: Elon sueing car drivers for not buying his swasticar just like he tried on twitter with advertisers.
He will just buy them himself, look at the sales numbers in Canada… 8,600 cars in 3 days! In Canada…
I can see him actually doing this
That’s a very low effort fraud, by the way
I think the canadian Feds are looking into that, and I hope they fine the ever loving crap out of him.
Is it wrong to think that people should go to jail for fraud instead of just fines everywhere?
How are they going to jail the President of the United States?
Have a warrant for his arrest, make him never come to Canada again and if he renounces his citizenship even better!
Then grab him next time he comes to Canada. Can’t be pardoned by the puppet for crimes done in another country.
No not at all, i have just given up all hope on seeing any kind of justice like that in the united states.
That particular situation looks like it may be due to how the process worked and government comments that the money would be running out earlier than planned.
Apparently dealers weren’t required to submit at the time of sale, but on a monthly or quarterly basis instead, which is a very common timeline for businesses to handle things like that. But after the announcement of the program ending early, Tesla submitted everything they had pending immediately, which makes complete sense.
I have not done a lot of research on this particular topic, and the little I have done may not have been accurate sources, but that situation would line up without needing to grasp at any crazy theories.
Suing people for not buying tesla stock and suing those who sell it.
Crash, bitch, crash!
More dramatic to say $320 billion in market cap has been destroyed.
No, rather $320 billion dollars in speculative value has simple been unrealised! 😉
Or that it’s down 34% since the start of the year. At this rate the company will be bankrupt by the 3rd quarter.
They dropped 72% in late 2021 albeit over 15 months. What I’m saying is, they can beat that record, and quicker this time… I believe in them!!
A fair price for the stock is 0.
Nah. It should be negative. There is such a big disgust of mine when seeing Tesla that they should pay me if they want me to buy the stock.
Na, it’ll have a bit of value. Once it goes bust other car companies can pick it apart for it’s patient portfolio.
But I thought all his patents are free and open? Would Musk ever just tell a lie like that?
Oh, I’d not heard that. Maybe 0 is what they’re worth then
He made that claim like 10 years ago. It was a lie.
Down 10% today so far. They’re working on it. :)
It’s beautiful.
I feel bad for the engineers that work there. But I feel great that it’s literally destroying musk net worth.
I don’t. They work for a terrible guy and they KNOW it.
Many of them are immigrants who got in with work visas so they can’t easily change jobs. Elon knows this and exploits the situation. It’s all just terrible.
See it like this for a less bleak angle: It’s unlikely tesla is going to just close up shop, even if the trend continues. And if it gets really bad, there will likely be a sale of ownership.
If it continues like this the shareholders will pressure him to remove himself from the board. Sadly I think he still owns a controlling stake, so they can’t fire him.
They should’ve started looking for new roles right after his inauguration speech
Nikola spinning in his grave so hard, EVs can charge up there.
He charges Euro cars only