I have never seen a mural on a road depicting a road that is identical to the road that I am driving on. Hope that helps.
I have never seen a mural on a road depicting a road that is identical to the road that I am driving on. Hope that helps.
Yep agreed. Having used Teslas adaptive cruise control I wouldn’t ever use self driving, not that I have it, unless I had a death wish. Quite honestly my previous Chinese MG was a lot less likely to kill me.
Nothing much is real anymore on YT
Yes but the main point that has been shown is that putting a screen up with the exact copy of the road and surroundings behind the screen is a daft and dangerous idea. It would be a better test if they had put up a polystyrene tree in the middle of the road and then checked if the car stopped.
I have never driven through a polystyrene wall with a picture of a road on it in 40 years because people just don’t put those things up, they don’t grow on roads etc etc.
Great YT clip for entertainment though.
Don’t want to rock the boat but apart from being a you tube money earner this doesn’t prove or disprove anything. A lot of humans would be fooled by this also.
I am suspicious of the way the polystyrene wall broke in cartoon like shagged edges, almost like they were precut.
And I bet he would vote for Trump again. That’s how brain washed they are.
More of these visuals please. Love it.
Just sold my 3 devices and shut down Amazon account. It’s very liberating and I don’t miss it one bit. Have Home Assistant and a couple of really good 2nd hand Sonos speakers.
Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business’s are worthless without our accounts.
It’s a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.
Fully support your actions and reasoning.
It’s a process.
We have cancelled and deleted Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook.
Just started move to alternatives and now have Ubuntu as well as Home Assistant.
Always put your safety catch on!
Don’t use Starbucks anymore. It’s American
My feeling is that the movement away from American products has started.
I always say that if I am doing it, as a very average person, then it’s likely that a lot of other people are doing it also.
Pretty sure every American brand is considering their position. That includes mighty disney.
Agreed and that’s a real world scenario that is being tested which has real value.