In the future look it up yourself you lazy bum
In the future look it up yourself you lazy bum
I like how you didn’t even spend 10 seconds to look up if there was information about the perpetrator of the Internet Archive hack.
which by all logic must be capitalists or governments who want to destroy the public library in favor of a paid and/or censored one.
Confidently incorrect.
This isn’t the first time this group has done something like this and they seem to have been pretty consistent in their messaging.
The hacktivist group SN_BLACKMETA has claimed responsibility and cites US support of Israel as the motivation.
The argument isn’t that they’re “evil”, it’s that they could be used as tools by strategic rivals.
Nvidia is already profitable and has been for over a decade.
Is there literally any evidence that the US government managed to extract useful information from no-log vpn providers in the US?
Lustigerweise hat gerade Kuba selber in den letzten 3 Jahren 5% der Bevölkerung durch Auswanderung verloren.
When Austria sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing crime. They’re terrorists. They’re dictators. And some, I assume, are good people.
How much more does it cost to the alternatives?
Most people barely know about it nor do they care.
Die AfD hätte die Möglichkeit die Ministerpräsidentschaft der CDU zu überlassen, im Gegenzug erhielte sie dafür das erste Mal Regierungsbeteiligung auf Landesebene und Legitimation für zukünftige Koalitionen.
Ahh yes, I misread your comment
What are you on about? You can just turn off auto updates or revert back to previous versions.
That’s not the case, quantum computing can only break specific types of cryptography.
14% sind grundsätzlich für Gendern, aber wie viele von denen machen es auch tatsächlich selber? Selbst in meinem sehr progressiven Freundeskreis, bei dem die allermeisten pro Gendern sind, kommt es kaum vor.
Qualität findest du auch im Internet. Nut halt nicht Temu oder Shein.
Quatsch. Wir brauchen ganz dringend ein Ministerium für Wahrheit damit uns Vater Staat vor Falschinformationen beschützt!