I slightly regret selling my Wii U to get a Switch but I think there’s still time to backpedal on that one without it being a huge loss.
One of my old friends dad sold the atari jaguar. With multiple controllers and a pretty full game library. Pretty sure it was worth a pretty penny then too but he didn’t think twice about it. Would probably fetch over a grand now for the collection.
I had curated perfect-to-me PS1 and PS2 game collections, and had the later, smaller versions of both systems. Both whole collections fit in a bread box, but I gave both away to save space. I cannot believe how much I regret that.
I regret getting rid of my Wii, only because that’s the one I’m missing to complete my Nintendo home console collection. I had initially sold it because the Wii U played Wii games, but it would be nice to have it back for a complete set.
I have never sold a console. I have frustratingly lost a few handhelds, which sucks.
I slightly regret not keeping a large CRT, but honestly those things are stupidly heavy and made of glass. I did score some small CRTs at flea markets awhile back, which is more than enough for the novelty.
I have the same regret, I gave my N64 to a family friend in the late 90s. However, I later bouught a replacement N64 with two new-in-box gold controllers so I can still get my GoldenEye fix.
My Dreamcast… I had almost every game downloaded and there was so much choice I never committed to anything and got bored. It taught me a lesson about piracy and the value of attention.
Such an underrated console too!
Honestly, piracy for retro consoles is morally correct. Unless you’re a collector, physical copies offer users no actual benefit beside “the experience,” and only serve to wear down cartridge slot pins/plastic and CD drive lasers/belts.
The original developers are getting no money from retro sales, and people are scalping/overcharging retro games like crazy these days. In nearly all cases, the original publisher/developer no longer even offers these games for sales anymore. No proof of offering for sale means no moral claim to a lost sale. If you want to actually play a retro game, it is totally morally correct to just download it.
Of course it goes without saying, if by some miracle you can still purchse the game from the original developer or publisher, please do so. The developers deserve to get paid for their work, Joe Schmuck doesn’t deserve to charge $900 USD for Panzer Dragoon Saga (good game, but not for that price).
Also, sidenote, I find a Dreamcast owner complaining about too much choice because of piracy to be highly ironic considering the Dreamcast lost developer support due to fears of lost sales caused by piracy lol.
Know what’s funny? The Sims 2 for PC is officially abandonware. It’s not for sale on Origin, despite EA still holding all the rights. You can’t “legally” get it anywhere BUT from previous owners.
i gave away my dreamcast. 🤦♂️
To date, I’ve never sold one. At times it makes me feel like a hoarder, but in all honesty I do semi-regularly go back and play my old systems.
Edit: and/or repair – my NES works again.
Also Dreamcast but for a different reason than most. I learned it played burned games by default 10 minutes after I sold it.
My modded PS1. It was the first hardware mod I ever did. It was a mess. It booted games sometimes, froze periodically. But, I would love to go back and fix the mod today and play some classics. I do have an unmodded ps1 mini with the attachment screen I have since purchased, but it just isn’t the same.
My Atari 2600 with 80+ games. Only because I saw it sold for like $40k decades later lol.
I still have a bunch of my original consoles: NES, Genesis, Dreamcast. The only I don’t still have are my PS1 (original, not the tiny One), N64, and Gamecube. PS upgraded to a PS2, and to be honest I never really played the N64 much. But the GC just kind of fell by the wayside and got lost. It had such amazingly unique games, but just was overlooked (even by me at the time) because it just didn’t match up graphically and didn’t really have the 1st or 3rd party support it needed.
Silver Gameboy advance SP - times were desperate, it ended up in a pawn shop.
Im sorry old friend
Ouch. I definitely understand that.
On a totally unrelated note, I’m craving Jolly Ranchers
Assuming it would still work after all these years, I regret selling my Apple IIc back in the eighties. I miss those simple games and emulators just aren’t the same.
Reality is that it wouldn’t still work and all those bottom shelf floppies that I used to liberate games would have long since degraded.